Occupations found on Polizzi Generosa Civil Records The following is a list of occupations and conditions (marital status) found in the civil records of Polizzi Generosa during the Nineteenth century and the first decade of the Twentieth century. While reading the films of the Polizzi civil records related to the Rube / Pasta families, we noted many words that are no longer in common usage. Joseph and Jane Rubè compiled this list in an effort to clarify meanings. We have also noted changes of spelling in some words over the course of 100 years of records keeping. We utilized the occupations of parents, informants, witnesses and clerks on these family records. This list is limited to those words found on a small number of records. It is not meant to reflect all the possible occupations in Polizzi.
Agricoltore Farmer
Archiprete Pastor, administrator of a church
Aromataio Perfume maker
Attrice Dramatica Dramatic actress
Avvocato Lawyer
Agrimenzore Land surveyor
Bandellaro Hinge maker
Bandito / Banditore Town crier
Barbiere Barber
Bardellaro / Bardaro Harness maker
Becchino Gravedigger
Bettoliere Tavern keeper
Borgese Middle Class person who was not employed in
a trade, business or profession.
Bottaio Cooper
Bottegaio Shopkeeper
Bracciante Manual laborer, unskilled
Bracciale same as above
Calzolaio Shoemaker
Campiere Land agent
Cancelliere Civil servant, employed in the town hall
or the court house
Cantoniere Road inspector
Capraio Goatherder
Carrettiere (chiarettiere) Cart driver (seen in a 1865 doc. Older spelling?)
Casalinga Housewife but also used to describe an
unmarried women (homemaker)
Castaldo Land owner (not in today’s dictionary)
Celibe unwed male
Chierico Clergyman
Civile Private citizen of the upper class, presumably a landowner
Commerciante Business man, merchant or vendor.
Cancelliere Clerk of the court or magistrate
Carmelitano Carmelite priest
Coltivataro di compagne Peasant farmer
Coniugi Married couple, spouse
Contadino Farmworker, usually not owning the land that he worked Cordaio Ropemaker
Crivellaio / crivellatore Sieve maker, to drill holes
Cuciniere Cook
Cucitrice Seamstress, female
Curatolo di Mulini Caretaker of the mills
Direttore Ginnasio School director / principal
Dolciere Pastry maker
Donna di Casa Woman at home, housewife
Ebanista Carpenter specializing in ebony or other precious woods
Erborista / Erbuario Herbalist
Fabbro Blacksmith
Fabbroferraio Blacksmith
Facchino Porter, carrier
Falegname / fallegname Carpenter
Farmacista Pharmacist
Ferraio Blacksmith
Figlio/a Son / daughter
Filatrice Spinner, female
Filandiera Silk spinner
Fontaniere Plumber
Furiere Leader / quartermaster
Furiere musicale military band leader
Gessaio / Gessaulo Plasterer
Graviano Engraver
Impiegato Clerk at the town hall
Industriosa describes a female both single or married.
We believe it was a synonym for casalinga.
Ingegnere engineer
Lavorante Laborer, unskilled
Legnamaio Timber cutter
Levatrice Midwife
Maestro di Musica Maestro or professor of Music
Mandatorio Agent
Manuale Laborer associated with construction
Manovale Day laborer
Maresciallo Warrant officer / highest rank for Italian enlisted man part of the Caribinieri
Marito Husband
Medico- Chirurgo Physician, medicine & surgery
mendicante Beggar
Merciera Hat peddlar
Moglie Wife
Molitore Miller
Monaca female religious person / nun
Ex monacale cloistered nun no longer serving as such
Mulinaio / mulinaro Miller
Muratore Mason- builder of stone or brick construction
Murifebbro see above, older usage.
Negoziente Shop keeper
Notaro / Notaio Lawyer, notary.
Nubile unwed female
Orditore/a Warper; in weaving the person who arranges
the threads on loom.
Orticoltore Gardener / horticulturist
Panettiere Breadmaker
Paratoraio Decorator
Parroco Parish priest
Pastaio / a Pasta maker
Pastore Shepherd
Pecoraio Shepherd
Pizzicagnolo Grocer selling salami and /or cheeses
Polveristo one who works with or guards gun powder
Possidente Landowner (see borgese / civile)
Prete Priest
Proprietario Proprietor landlord / landlady
Pubblico mediatore Public mediator
Q / R
Regio Giudice Royal judge
Sacerdote / Sac. Priest
Sagristaro Sexton
Sarto Tailor
Scalpelliere / Scalpellino Stone cutter, carver
Scrittore Author
Sellaro Saddle maker
Sindaco Mayor
Sorvegliare Supervisor, watchman, guard
Spatulatore / Spatolatore One who makes spatulas for plastering or possibly a plasterer
Spazzino Road sweeper
Stampatore Printer
Stuccatore Worker who applies the stucco
Suonatore Musician
Sonatore di violino Violin player
Sonatore di Tamburro Drummer
Speziale Druggist / chemist
Tegolaio Tilemaker
Tessitrice / tessitore Weaver (female / male)
Trafficante Merchant, dealer
Usciere Usher, employee at town hall
Vaccaro / Vaccaio Cowboy
Vedova / vedovo widow, widower
Vetturale / Vetturino Carriage driver
Villico Peasant, country man, villager
Villano Peasant / Unskilled worker (In today’s dictionary it is an adjective used to describe uncouth manners
Zulfarano / zulfarare Sulfur mine worker
Zolfaio also sulfur mine worker
February 14, 2006,
Updated November 2016
Agricoltore Farmer
Archiprete Pastor, administrator of a church
Aromataio Perfume maker
Attrice Dramatica Dramatic actress
Avvocato Lawyer
Agrimenzore Land surveyor
Bandellaro Hinge maker
Bandito / Banditore Town crier
Barbiere Barber
Bardellaro / Bardaro Harness maker
Becchino Gravedigger
Bettoliere Tavern keeper
Borgese Middle Class person who was not employed in
a trade, business or profession.
Bottaio Cooper
Bottegaio Shopkeeper
Bracciante Manual laborer, unskilled
Bracciale same as above
Calzolaio Shoemaker
Campiere Land agent
Cancelliere Civil servant, employed in the town hall
or the court house
Cantoniere Road inspector
Capraio Goatherder
Carrettiere (chiarettiere) Cart driver (seen in a 1865 doc. Older spelling?)
Casalinga Housewife but also used to describe an
unmarried women (homemaker)
Castaldo Land owner (not in today’s dictionary)
Celibe unwed male
Chierico Clergyman
Civile Private citizen of the upper class, presumably a landowner
Commerciante Business man, merchant or vendor.
Cancelliere Clerk of the court or magistrate
Carmelitano Carmelite priest
Coltivataro di compagne Peasant farmer
Coniugi Married couple, spouse
Contadino Farmworker, usually not owning the land that he worked Cordaio Ropemaker
Crivellaio / crivellatore Sieve maker, to drill holes
Cuciniere Cook
Cucitrice Seamstress, female
Curatolo di Mulini Caretaker of the mills
Direttore Ginnasio School director / principal
Dolciere Pastry maker
Donna di Casa Woman at home, housewife
Ebanista Carpenter specializing in ebony or other precious woods
Erborista / Erbuario Herbalist
Fabbro Blacksmith
Fabbroferraio Blacksmith
Facchino Porter, carrier
Falegname / fallegname Carpenter
Farmacista Pharmacist
Ferraio Blacksmith
Figlio/a Son / daughter
Filatrice Spinner, female
Filandiera Silk spinner
Fontaniere Plumber
Furiere Leader / quartermaster
Furiere musicale military band leader
Gessaio / Gessaulo Plasterer
Graviano Engraver
Impiegato Clerk at the town hall
Industriosa describes a female both single or married.
We believe it was a synonym for casalinga.
Ingegnere engineer
Lavorante Laborer, unskilled
Legnamaio Timber cutter
Levatrice Midwife
Maestro di Musica Maestro or professor of Music
Mandatorio Agent
Manuale Laborer associated with construction
Manovale Day laborer
Maresciallo Warrant officer / highest rank for Italian enlisted man part of the Caribinieri
Marito Husband
Medico- Chirurgo Physician, medicine & surgery
mendicante Beggar
Merciera Hat peddlar
Moglie Wife
Molitore Miller
Monaca female religious person / nun
Ex monacale cloistered nun no longer serving as such
Mulinaio / mulinaro Miller
Muratore Mason- builder of stone or brick construction
Murifebbro see above, older usage.
Negoziente Shop keeper
Notaro / Notaio Lawyer, notary.
Nubile unwed female
Orditore/a Warper; in weaving the person who arranges
the threads on loom.
Orticoltore Gardener / horticulturist
Panettiere Breadmaker
Paratoraio Decorator
Parroco Parish priest
Pastaio / a Pasta maker
Pastore Shepherd
Pecoraio Shepherd
Pizzicagnolo Grocer selling salami and /or cheeses
Polveristo one who works with or guards gun powder
Possidente Landowner (see borgese / civile)
Prete Priest
Proprietario Proprietor landlord / landlady
Pubblico mediatore Public mediator
Q / R
Regio Giudice Royal judge
Sacerdote / Sac. Priest
Sagristaro Sexton
Sarto Tailor
Scalpelliere / Scalpellino Stone cutter, carver
Scrittore Author
Sellaro Saddle maker
Sindaco Mayor
Sorvegliare Supervisor, watchman, guard
Spatulatore / Spatolatore One who makes spatulas for plastering or possibly a plasterer
Spazzino Road sweeper
Stampatore Printer
Stuccatore Worker who applies the stucco
Suonatore Musician
Sonatore di violino Violin player
Sonatore di Tamburro Drummer
Speziale Druggist / chemist
Tegolaio Tilemaker
Tessitrice / tessitore Weaver (female / male)
Trafficante Merchant, dealer
Usciere Usher, employee at town hall
Vaccaro / Vaccaio Cowboy
Vedova / vedovo widow, widower
Vetturale / Vetturino Carriage driver
Villico Peasant, country man, villager
Villano Peasant / Unskilled worker (In today’s dictionary it is an adjective used to describe uncouth manners
Zulfarano / zulfarare Sulfur mine worker
Zolfaio also sulfur mine worker
February 14, 2006,
Updated November 2016