Saint Gandolfo di Binasco
Franciscan Friar 1200 – 1260 Patron Saint of Polizzi Generosa
Written by Rev. C. Invidiata of Polizzi Generosa Published by the Society of Saint Gandolfo (238 Mott Street, NYC)
"In the city of Binasco (Milan) Italy was born in the year 1200, Gandolfo Sacchi, the future apostle of Sicily. It appears that in 1216, when Saint Francis of Assisi passed through Binasco to sermonize in Pavia, the young Gandolfo met Saint Francis and decided to become a servant of Christ, as a friar in the Franciscan Order.
The superiors recognizing the talents of Gandolfo, ordered him to study for the priesthood. It would seem that he had St. Anthony of Padua as his teacher. After being ordained, he preached in Northern Italy, acquiring great fame by feeding the hungry and caring for the numerous needs of God’s children. Sent to Sicily in 1240, the zealous priest preached and served God’s people in the cities of Palermo, Siracusa, Agrigento, Licata, Castelvetrano, Monreale, Caltanissetta and Termini, where he founded a convent in 1256. However, he did so much good that the populace called him a saint. To escape this honor, the priest retreated to a wilderness in Castelvetrano. Here he was visited by a deaf mute, who, after a brief prayer from the priest, received his speech and hearing. As a result of that miracle the rush of the population to the priest’s hut was such that to escape these honors, he made for the Madonie Mountains leaving the city in 1260. Along the road, due to Gandolfo’s continuous fasting and penances, he weakened in the winter’s harshness, and fever soon seized him. Brother Pasquale, his constant and loving companion, induced him to ascend the mountain to the small town of Polizzi Generosa.
After his recovery, the saint was requested to preach the Lenton sermon. It was Wednesday in Holy Week, the end of March, and something worth remembering happened. During the sermon, a throng of swallows, the first of the season, set down in the gutters and spires of the church. The unexpected visitors with their unceasing chattering, produced quite a confusion in the church. At that point, the Saint turned towards them and said “ In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, oh small birds, to be quiet until I have finished announcing the word of God “. The swallows stopped instantly, astonishing the crowd. But even more surprising were the last words of the sermon uttered to the audience.“ Be it known to you, my brethren, that I shall not preach again from this pulpit “.
Descending from the pulpit, feverish, he went to the hospital of Saint Nicholas, where, after three days,on Holy Saturday, April 3, 1260, Gandolfo fell asleep in the Lord. Immediately the bells of all the churches throughout the town gloriously rang out on their own, announcing to the city and to the world Gandolfo’s glorious triumph into Heaven.
The feast of Saint Gandolfo is celebrated on April 3rd and Sept 17th
Near his tomb occurred many miracles of which only a few need be cited:
a. Paralytics bedridden for many years, all of a sudden were made well
b. Blind people received their sight
c. Deaf people received their hearing
d. Mutes received their speech
e. Paralyzed arms and legs recovered movement
Noteworthy is the fact that many non Christians, both Jews and Gentiles, who sought Saint Gandolfo’s intercession, received miracles, because of their faith.
Franciscan Friar 1200 – 1260 Patron Saint of Polizzi Generosa
Written by Rev. C. Invidiata of Polizzi Generosa Published by the Society of Saint Gandolfo (238 Mott Street, NYC)
"In the city of Binasco (Milan) Italy was born in the year 1200, Gandolfo Sacchi, the future apostle of Sicily. It appears that in 1216, when Saint Francis of Assisi passed through Binasco to sermonize in Pavia, the young Gandolfo met Saint Francis and decided to become a servant of Christ, as a friar in the Franciscan Order.
The superiors recognizing the talents of Gandolfo, ordered him to study for the priesthood. It would seem that he had St. Anthony of Padua as his teacher. After being ordained, he preached in Northern Italy, acquiring great fame by feeding the hungry and caring for the numerous needs of God’s children. Sent to Sicily in 1240, the zealous priest preached and served God’s people in the cities of Palermo, Siracusa, Agrigento, Licata, Castelvetrano, Monreale, Caltanissetta and Termini, where he founded a convent in 1256. However, he did so much good that the populace called him a saint. To escape this honor, the priest retreated to a wilderness in Castelvetrano. Here he was visited by a deaf mute, who, after a brief prayer from the priest, received his speech and hearing. As a result of that miracle the rush of the population to the priest’s hut was such that to escape these honors, he made for the Madonie Mountains leaving the city in 1260. Along the road, due to Gandolfo’s continuous fasting and penances, he weakened in the winter’s harshness, and fever soon seized him. Brother Pasquale, his constant and loving companion, induced him to ascend the mountain to the small town of Polizzi Generosa.
After his recovery, the saint was requested to preach the Lenton sermon. It was Wednesday in Holy Week, the end of March, and something worth remembering happened. During the sermon, a throng of swallows, the first of the season, set down in the gutters and spires of the church. The unexpected visitors with their unceasing chattering, produced quite a confusion in the church. At that point, the Saint turned towards them and said “ In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, oh small birds, to be quiet until I have finished announcing the word of God “. The swallows stopped instantly, astonishing the crowd. But even more surprising were the last words of the sermon uttered to the audience.“ Be it known to you, my brethren, that I shall not preach again from this pulpit “.
Descending from the pulpit, feverish, he went to the hospital of Saint Nicholas, where, after three days,on Holy Saturday, April 3, 1260, Gandolfo fell asleep in the Lord. Immediately the bells of all the churches throughout the town gloriously rang out on their own, announcing to the city and to the world Gandolfo’s glorious triumph into Heaven.
The feast of Saint Gandolfo is celebrated on April 3rd and Sept 17th
Near his tomb occurred many miracles of which only a few need be cited:
a. Paralytics bedridden for many years, all of a sudden were made well
b. Blind people received their sight
c. Deaf people received their hearing
d. Mutes received their speech
e. Paralyzed arms and legs recovered movement
Noteworthy is the fact that many non Christians, both Jews and Gentiles, who sought Saint Gandolfo’s intercession, received miracles, because of their faith.